What comes to your mind when someone says “French culture”?
Judging from my personal experience, most people will see it as an elitist and inaccessible culture, which apparently only professors from the Sorbonne university can truly understand. Others would think about books, such as Madame Bovary or Père Goriot, and immediately recall their high school literature teacher (usually not a a pretty sight).
Allow me to prove you wrong. French culture deals with love (in all of its varieties), beauty, and culinary tradition. The people who created it were among the most colourful and fascinating people in human history.
In addition, if you dig into French history a little, you will discover that it was all made up of sex, great food, a good mix of wars, murders, conspiracies, and so on.
In short, this is the material that makes a great movie plot. You are invited to join me on a fascinating cultural journey in a series of lectures that will introduce you to the most interesting bits of French culture, without you having to buy an airplane ticket.
Which lectures do I offer?
That is exactly why I created the lecture “who wants to be a Francophile?”. Actually, this not exactly a lecture, it is more of an interactive quiz that will teach you all the most important facts about French culture.
What subjects will we cover?
- Why is the British National Anthem (“God save the…”) is actually French?
- What does one of the most important French poets have in common with Homer Simpson?
- Who invented the mayonnaise and slept with all the women of Place des Vosges (one of the most beautiful public squares in Paris)?
- And, of course, where can one find the most delicious frog legs in France?
Would you like to travel to Paris with me without ever leaving your country?
Especially for you, I have created a series of virtual tours following larger-than-life historical characters who lived in the City of Lights. Together we’ll see where they lived, worked, and left an eternal mark.
What kind of virtual tours do I offer?
- Paris of the great writers: following the footsteps of Victor Hugo, Emile Zola, and Madame de Sevigne.
- Americans in Paris: following the footsteps of Ernest Hemingway, Josephine Baker, and Julia Child.
- The great painters of Paris.
Sounds Interesting?

Excellent, I'm on my way!
To book a lecture, please fill the following form, and I would love to schedule something for the next time I visit your area (I currently live on the island Guernsey):