Paris trip planning

Recommended hotels in Paris. In the picture you can see the hotel Ritz (very recommended if you have the ability to pay for it). Photographer: Yoel Themanlis
Hotels in Paris

Recommended hotels in Paris

Introduction, or how to find hotels in Paris Paris hotel map Recommended hotels in the 1st Arrondissement (the Louvre) Recommended hotels in the 2nd Arrondissement

Recommended restaurants in Paris
Food in Paris

Recommended restaurants in Paris

Foreword Map of recommended restaurants in Paris Recommended restaurants in the 1st Arrondissement1 Recommended restaurants in the 2nd Arrondissement Recommended restaurants in the 3rd Arrondissement

טיפים לחיסכון במהלך חופשה בפריז מבלי "להתכלב"
Paris trip planning

Paris on a budget

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to let you in on some personal nostalgia. The year is 1999, and I find myself staying at the Brighton